
Pierfranca Forchini, PhD

Project Director

The American Movie Corpus


Percorso per le Competenze Trasversali e per l'Orientamento (PCTO), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (March-April, 2024)

Pierfranca Forchini, Valentina Morgana: The Amazing Movie Language: Un viaggio tra i film e le serie TV americane

Insegnare l'inglese: dalla scuola dell'infanzia alla scuola secondaria di primo grado. Metodologie e best practices,

Corso Formazione, Scuola Secondaria A. Mandelli (2024)

Pierfranca Forchini, Amanda Murphy:

The Importance of Spoken Lexico-Grammatical Competence through Movies

Phonetics & Phonology (Common Mistakes, American English vs. British English) through Movies

Liceo Cantonale di Mendrisio. Ticino, Switzerland (December 14, 2023)

Pierfranca Forchini e Amanda Murphy: The American Movie Corpus: A Tool for the Development of Spoken Lexico-Grammatical Competence

Sfide, la Scuola di Tutti, Milan (April 29, 2022)

Pierfranca Forchini & Valentina Morgana: The Amazing Movie Language: Una delle risorse più efficaci e motivanti per lo studio della grammatica del parlato.

Formazione Docenti Lingua Inglese, Scuola Primaria "A. Moro" Abbiategrasso (June 15, 2022)

Pierfranca Forchini:

Part 1. American English vs. British English

Part 2. Common mistakes made by Italians: FOCUS ON English SOUNDS

Exploring Spoken English with Movies: a Workshop for Teachers, Università Cattolica Brescia (April 13 2023)

Pierfranca Forchini, Amanda Murphy, Francesca Seracini,  Valentina Morgana, Francesca Poli, Laura Anelli

SESSION #1: The importance of spoken lexico-grammatical competence

Pierfranca Forchini and Amanda Murphy

SESSION #2: The AMC and Tools for the development of spoken language proficiency

Francesca Seracini, Francesca Poli

SESSION #3: Task-based language teaching and practical activities for the classroom

Valentina Morgana and Laura Anelli


The importance of SPOKEN LEXICO-GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE and the use of MOVIE LANGUAGE and TV SERIES to develop spoken language proficiency

The use of MOVIE LANGUAGE and TV SERIES to improve PRONUNCIATION (with a special focus on Common Mistakes and American English vs. British English)

The Difference between WRITTEN and SPOKEN GRAMMAR through movies

The Difference between General English and SPECIALIZED English through movies

TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING and practical activities for the classroom

Learning Translation Strategies through Movies and Dubbing